Thursday, November 22, 2007

How I am Going to Survive Thanksgiving...

10. I am going to use a small plate.
9. I am only going to have one serving of dinner.
8. I am only going to have a small slice of my Grandma's pumpkin pie.
7. I am going to start my meal off with a salad.
6. I am going to remind myself how hard I have worked to get to this point--I'm not going to give up now!
5. I am going to remember my one pair of fat pants that is stored away in my closet, never to be used again.
4. I started off the day with a power shopping morning (Who knew Thanksgiving day would be the best time to hit the discount stores--noone was there, except employees and last minute food shoppers!)
3. When I get home, I'm going to get in a 3 mile walk.
2. I won't use the tryptophan in the turkey excuse to get out of exercising.
1. I'm wearing the tightest jeans that I could find (not stretch jeans either!) to help remind myself that my stomach isn't as big as my eyes.

And with that, I'm heading off to my parent's house to have dinner with my family. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful turkey-day!

1 comment:

Andi said...

Sounds like a great plan! I hope you were successful!